Algore's Hypocrisy: Do as I say, not as I do. House, Plane, SUVs
(too old to reply)
2007-03-01 18:16:10 UTC
There are two Americas. Those who must consume less. And Algore, who's
being excused by the leftist elite for consuming more.

Peter Schweitzer, Al Gore, and hypocrisy

About a week ago, USA Today published a piece by Peter Schweitzer, who's a
research fellow at the Hoover Institution. It accused Al Gore of hypocrisy,
for asking viewers of An Inconvenient Truth to scale back their lifestyles
and carbon emissions while ... well, there were a number of charges.
According to Schweitzer, Gore owns three homes and stock in Occidental
Petroleum, still receives royalties from a zinc mine on his property, does
not participate in the green-power option his utility offers in Nashville,
and lets Paramount pay for his carbon offsets.
Love Billary
Tampa, FL
Kurt Lochner
2007-03-01 18:21:52 UTC
There are two Americas[..]
Yup, North and South..

--Glad you finally got something correct today..


From: "BÎllary/2008" <F#%***@vastrightwingconspiracy.gov>
Subject: Re: To all you racists out there
Organization: NOT Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews.not
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
Message-ID: <EcNRe.28512$***@trnddc09>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 00:41:08 GMT
X-Complaints-To: ***@verizon.net
X-Trace: trnddc09 1125621668 (Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:41:08 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:41:08 EDT

Fucking nigger liberal Mayor or New Orleans and nigger liberal president of
Orleans Parrish and Liberal Governor of Louisiana fucked up. They failed to
plan, pre-position and execute. Now watch them try and blame Bush, fucking
loser democrats
2007-03-01 18:29:05 UTC
Kurtie baby pants, I see you're not done re-posting this lie. Which was
fabricated by Steve in his desperate attempt to slime me. I hope that one
day someone spoofs your account and post something nasty about you. You're
an asshole. You love stalking me don't you Kurtie baby? Are you gay Kurtie
baby. Are you coming on to me?
Gandalf Grey
2007-03-01 18:43:27 UTC
Are you gay Kurtie baby. Are you coming on to me?
I didn't say they were "Gay", I said they were faggots. Are you a faggot
too? Dam it, you guys are everywhere. You guys are screwing up America.
YOU are what's wrong with America.
But I don't like faggots, and something tells me you're a faggot.
The first sign that you're a faggot pussy is when you claim that using
profanity is the first sign of losing an argument.
Grow up you stupid faggot.
Are you a faggot? You are a faggot
aren't you?
Don't be such a faggot pussy.
Are you a Terrorist Faggot Pretzel? YOU ARE? Now I understand
your paranoia. Call the ACLU Faggot.
You take a hike faggot.
Look at what the niggers have done now. The Nigger Mayor and the Nigger
President of Orleans Parrish failed to do their job. Now watch them try
blame Bush. Fucking losers.
Another closet queer gets himself in trouble.
We need a good old fashioned witch hunt...or in this case a fag hunt.
Fuck you queer
Fuck off queer
I once lost the chance to get my old job back because the "new" manager was
a flaming Fag. And I wasn't. That made ME angry.
My dick is bigger than yours. So are my tits.
2007-03-01 19:28:31 UTC
Feb 28, 2006
In the latest bizarre twist to this sordid story. Noted Internet crank,
Billary/2008 admits to having had an extramarital affair with Bill
O'Reilly. When questioned on the affair, Billary stated, "I just love
loofahs, and like Mr. O'Reilly, I honestly believe forced anal sex is
just fun.
Gandalf Grey
2007-03-01 19:55:34 UTC
"Billary/2008" <F#%***@vastrightwingconspiracy.gov> wrote in message news:zPFFh.6710$***@trnddc05...

What's the problem, Shill? Getting a little upset now that everyone is
seeing just how much of a homophobe you reall are?
Are you gay Kurtie baby. Are you coming on to me?
I didn't say they were "Gay", I said they were faggots. Are you a faggot
too? Dam it, you guys are everywhere. You guys are screwing up America.
YOU are what's wrong with America.
But I don't like faggots, and something tells me you're a faggot.
The first sign that you're a faggot pussy is when you claim that using
profanity is the first sign of losing an argument.
Grow up you stupid faggot.
Are you a faggot? You are a faggot
aren't you?
Don't be such a faggot pussy.
Are you a Terrorist Faggot Pretzel? YOU ARE? Now I understand
your paranoia. Call the ACLU Faggot.
You take a hike faggot.
Look at what the niggers have done now. The Nigger Mayor and the Nigger
President of Orleans Parrish failed to do their job. Now watch them try
blame Bush. Fucking losers.
Another closet queer gets himself in trouble.
We need a good old fashioned witch hunt...or in this case a fag hunt.
Fuck you queer
Fuck off queer
I once lost the chance to get my old job back because the "new" manager was
a flaming Fag. And I wasn't. That made ME angry.
My dick is bigger than yours. So are my tits.
Kurt Lochner
2007-03-01 23:22:50 UTC
Post by Kurt Lochner
There are two Americas[..]
Yup, North and South..
--Glad you finally got something correct today..
[..]I see you're not done re-posting this lie.
I see that you're in denial about your deliberate lies..

Example follows..


From: "BÎllary/2008" <F#%***@vastrightwingconspiracy.gov>
Subject: Re: To all you racists out there
Organization: NOT Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews.not
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
Message-ID: <EcNRe.28512$***@trnddc09>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 00:41:08 GMT
X-Complaints-To: ***@verizon.net
X-Trace: trnddc09 1125621668 (Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:41:08 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:41:08 EDT

Fucking nigger liberal Mayor or New Orleans and nigger liberal president of
Orleans Parrish and Liberal Governor of Louisiana fucked up. They failed to
plan, pre-position and execute. Now watch them try and blame Bush, fucking
loser democrats
2007-03-02 17:17:44 UTC
You gay guys are all the same. You think you're witty, entertaining and
popular. But in fact you're just an asshole of the highest order Kurtie
baby Soils his pants.
Kurt Lochner
2007-03-02 17:49:28 UTC
Post by Kurt Lochner
Post by Kurt Lochner
There are two Americas[..]
Yup, North and South..
--Glad you finally got something correct today..
[..]I see you're not done re-posting this lie.
I see that you're in denial about your deliberate lies..
You gay guys[..]
You're 'projecting' your own sociopathy there..

--Example follows..


From: "BÎllary/2008" <F#%***@vastrightwingconspiracy.gov>
Subject: Re: To all you racists out there
Organization: NOT Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews.not
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
Message-ID: <EcNRe.28512$***@trnddc09>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 00:41:08 GMT
X-Complaints-To: ***@verizon.net
X-Trace: trnddc09 1125621668 (Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:41:08 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:41:08 EDT

Fucking nigger liberal Mayor or New Orleans and nigger liberal president of
Orleans Parrish and Liberal Governor of Louisiana fucked up. They failed to
plan, pre-position and execute. Now watch them try and blame Bush, fucking
loser democrats
Gandalf Grey
2007-03-02 18:09:14 UTC
Post by Billary/2008
You gay guys are all the same.
Are you gay Kurtie baby. Are you coming on to me?
I didn't say they were "Gay", I said they were faggots. Are you a faggot
too? Dam it, you guys are everywhere. You guys are screwing up America.
YOU are what's wrong with America.
Post by Billary/2008
But I don't like faggots, and something tells me you're a faggot.
The first sign that you're a faggot pussy is when you claim that using
profanity is the first sign of losing an argument.
Post by Billary/2008
Grow up you stupid faggot.
Are you a faggot? You are a faggot
aren't you?
Post by Billary/2008
Don't be such a faggot pussy.
Are you a Terrorist Faggot Pretzel? YOU ARE? Now I understand
your paranoia. Call the ACLU Faggot.
Post by Billary/2008
You take a hike faggot.
Look at what the niggers have done now. The Nigger Mayor and the Nigger
President of Orleans Parrish failed to do their job. Now watch them try
blame Bush. Fucking losers.
Another closet queer gets himself in trouble.
We need a good old fashioned witch hunt...or in this case a fag hunt.
Fuck you queer
Fuck off queer
I once lost the chance to get my old job back because the "new" manager was
a flaming Fag. And I wasn't. That made ME angry.
Post by Billary/2008
My dick is bigger than yours. So are my tits.
2007-03-02 22:22:37 UTC
On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 17:17:44 GMT, "Billary/2008"
Post by Billary/2008
You gay guys are all the same. You think you're witty, entertaining and
popular. But in fact you're just an asshole of the highest order Kurtie
baby Soils his pants.
First of all, the echo in that bath house you're at is
irritating, and second, Kutie soiled YOUR pants.
3165 Dead
2007-03-03 03:06:00 UTC
On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 17:17:44 GMT, "Billary/2008"
Post by Billary/2008
You gay guys are all the same. You think you're witty, entertaining and
popular. But in fact you're just an asshole of the highest order Kurtie
baby Soils his pants.
So just how old ARE you, Billy?

"Keeping us up here eats away at families. The Democrats could care less about families -- that's what this says."

-- Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), quoted by the Washington Post, in response to incoming-Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's (D-MD) plan to increase the House's work schedule from three days a week to five.

Putsch: leading America to asymetric warfare since 2001

Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a liberal!
Pay your taxes so the rich don't have to.
For the finest in liberal/leftist commentary,
For news feed (free, 10-20 articles a day)
For essays (donations accepted, 2 articles/week)

a.a. #2211 -- Bryan Zepp Jamieson
Gandalf Grey
2007-03-03 07:23:11 UTC
Post by C***@Knicklas.com
On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 17:17:44 GMT, "Billary/2008"
Post by Billary/2008
You gay guys are all the same. You think you're witty, entertaining and
popular. But in fact you're just an asshole of the highest order Kurtie
baby Soils his pants.
So just how old ARE you, Billy?
25-40 +/- 5 years. My sense is that it is on the low end of the scale. He
is probably in his early 30s. Billary is a white southern state male with a
childhood history of bedwetting past the normal time for it to stop in
childhood, torturing and/or killing small animals and possibly other young
children, and probably a history of fire starting that began in early
adolescence and continued into his mid teens. Although most children are
attracted to fire at an early age, Billary probably began with starting
'private fires,' deliberately concealed so that they would not attract

Billary might have finished highschool but it's unlikely. He may have gone
on to get his GED in a technical or trade school but he did not attend
college although he might have fantasized about it. Most of what he knows
he has picked up from listening to right wing hate radio and surfing the web
for right wing web sites. He had a parent or a significant older caregiver
who was sufficiently conversant with the John Birch Society credo to pass
that knowledge onto Billary as given knowledge. It's possible that Billary
has pursued that ideology on the net but not to any great extent. It's
unlikely that Billary has read much or that he owns even a modest library.
His tastes run to graphic novels and pornography that cater to violent
sexual imagery.

He is likely to have a criminal record, but it is for mostly minor crimes
committed as a juvenile. He lacks the skill set and the necessary courage
or rage for more complicated or more violent crimes. He's held a succession
of marginal blue collar or retail jobs that he never stays in for long due
to characterological inconsistency and probable petty theft at the
workplace. Average time spent in each new job for Billary is 6 months to a

He has almost no friends due mostly to a pathological tendency to lie about
things that are easily verified [*pseudologia fantastica*]. At first people
are impressed and fascinated by Billary's complicated and free-flowing
stories, but they are later put off when the inconsistencies become
apparent. He is characteristically unaware of this fact and has made up
other reasons to excuse his lack of social connections. In this respect and
in almost all other aspects of his personality Billary exhibits a remarkable
lack of insight into his own personality. Billary has exhibited all the
major aspects of the personality we see here in his writings from a very
early age, possibly as early as age 5-6 years. He is most remarkable in the
sense that he is largely incapable of learning from social mistakes.
Although there are times when Billary senses the gap between himself and
others, he always sees this as being "their problem, not mine."

Gandalf Grey
2007-03-01 18:41:15 UTC
Post by Billary/2008
There are two Americas.
Yep. Blue states that give a damn about the country and red states that
2007-03-01 20:57:07 UTC
The 1960's are over Richard. Abby Hoffman is dead. The Grateful dead are
gone. Mao died years ago. So did Che. Castro is a mummified walking corpse.
And those "evil" corporations really aren't all that bad. If they were,
China wouldn't be turning into one of the biggest State sponsored
corporations in the world now would they? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You can't
defeat economic and political freedom with empty rhetoric and paranoid
fantasies you fool.

By the way I'll tell you a big secret. Lots of liberals live in Red states.
You shouldn't disrespect your constituents like that.
Post by Gandalf Grey
Post by Billary/2008
There are two Americas.
Yep. Blue states that give a damn about the country and red states that
2007-03-01 18:51:53 UTC
Post by Billary/2008
There are two Americas. Those who must consume less. And Algore, who's
being excused by the leftist elite for consuming more.
Tennesee Center for Policy Research is run by a 27 year old Bush Cheerleader
who loves Bush's Wars, Jason Drew Johnson,

The Center lists a post office box number as its address which makes sense
since occupancy costs were $450 for the year.
The IRS requires 501(c)(3)s to disclose the names of board members and
officers which the Center fails to do. The 990 is signed by Jason A. Johnson
who presumably is related to Drew Johnson, listed as the Center's president
on the website.

Total salary expense for 2005 is $52,213. Despite a tight budget, the
Center's managed to spend $8,155 on meals and travel. Marketing expense is
$5,934 but no money was spent on research.

The Tennessee Center For Policy Research is not an obscure conservative
group. It is a FAKE conservative group specifically set up to send out
inflammatory press releases like the one about Al Gore's electricity bills.
Why the Tennessee Center For Policy Research is entitled to tax-exempt
status is beyond me."

More on the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.
The Tennessee Center for Policy Researchs 2005 990 was prepared by the
Kingsland Company, P.C. of Tigard, Oregon. (The Center's 2005 990 is
available online at the Foundation Center's 990 Finder.)

Why would an organization based in Tennessee use an Oregon firm to prepare
its 990? A clue is found in the bio of the Center's vice president, Nicole
Williams. Williams was (is) an employee of the Cascade Policy Institute, a
major right wing organization based in Oregon.

Willams also works for the State Policy Network which, in its own words, is
"the professional service organization for America's state-based, free
market think tank community. Founded in 1992, SPN is the only group in the
country dedicated solely to improving the practical effectiveness of
independent, non-profit, market-oriented, state-based think tanks."

The telephone number for the Tennessee Center for Policy Research is (615)
383-6431 which is registered to:

Drew Johnson
1606 Burton Ave
Nashville TN 37215-3018

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research was registered in Tennessee on
4/6/05 by Jason A. Johnson at 1606 Burton Ave, #A, Nashville TN 37215

Property records for 1606 Burton Ave in Nashville indicate that the property
is owned by Cynthia L. Cha who bought it on 12/8/00.

TennesseeMenus, LLC, registered on 12/10/03, listed 1606 Burton Ave as its
address. the company was dissolved on 8/19/05.

Yep, Al Gore is an Inconvenient Truth.....Teller.
2007-03-01 20:45:51 UTC
Post by Catfish
Post by Billary/2008
There are two Americas. Those who must consume less. And Algore, who's
being excused by the leftist elite for consuming more.
Tennesee Center for Policy Research is run by a 27 year old Bush Cheerleader
who loves Bush's Wars, Jason Drew Johnson,
The Center lists a post office box number as its address which makes sense
since occupancy costs were $450 for the year.
The IRS requires 501(c)(3)s to disclose the names of board members and
officers which the Center fails to do. The 990 is signed by Jason A. Johnson
who presumably is related to Drew Johnson, listed as the Center's president
on the website.
Total salary expense for 2005 is $52,213. Despite a tight budget, the
Center's managed to spend $8,155 on meals and travel. Marketing expense is
$5,934 but no money was spent on research.
The Tennessee Center For Policy Research is not an obscure conservative
group. It is a FAKE conservative group specifically set up to send out
inflammatory press releases like the one about Al Gore's electricity bills.
Why the Tennessee Center For Policy Research is entitled to tax-exempt
status is beyond me."
More on the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.http://www.tennesseepolicy.org/main/page.php?page_id=35
The Tennessee Center for Policy Researchs 2005 990 was prepared by the
Kingsland Company, P.C. of Tigard, Oregon. (The Center's 2005 990 is
available online at the Foundation Center's 990 Finder.)
Why would an organization based in Tennessee use an Oregon firm to prepare
its 990? A clue is found in the bio of the Center's vice president, Nicole
Williams. Williams was (is) an employee of the Cascade Policy Institute, a
major right wing organization based in Oregon.
Willams also works for the State Policy Network which, in its own words, is
"the professional service organization for America's state-based, free
market think tank community. Founded in 1992, SPN is the only group in the
country dedicated solely to improving the practical effectiveness of
independent, non-profit, market-oriented, state-based think tanks."
The telephone number for the Tennessee Center for Policy Research is (615)
Drew Johnson
1606 Burton Ave
Nashville TN 37215-3018
The Tennessee Center for Policy Research was registered in Tennessee on
4/6/05 by Jason A. Johnson at 1606 Burton Ave, #A, Nashville TN 37215
Property records for 1606 Burton Ave in Nashville indicate that the property
is owned by Cynthia L. Cha who bought it on 12/8/00.
TennesseeMenus, LLC, registered on 12/10/03, listed 1606 Burton Ave as its
address. the company was dissolved on 8/19/05.
Yep, Al Gore is an Inconvenient Truth.....Teller.
Other than the YouTube presentation, everything else seemed to be a
"kill the messenger" attack. This issue is not the validity of the
Tennessee Center for Policy Research, but the validity of the data
they presented.

I watched the youtube video and although it "appeared" to contradict
the data, it pretty much nailed it as fact.

On YouTube, Olbermann said that Gore paid $5893 extra for green
power. OK, subtract that from the $16,308 electric bill and you still
have a "normal" bill of $10,415. Combine that with his gas bill of
$12,960 and you still have a total energy bill of $23,375.

How does that compare with average joe? I have a 5 bedroom house (3
bed rooms & 2 offices), and like Al, both my wife and I each have our
own offices (2 of the bedrooms). Our electric use is twice the
national average at 19,000 kw. That means that it is 1 tenth that of
Mr. Gore. My electric bill is $2,114/year, 1 fifth that of Mr. Gore.
My gas bill was $1,365/yr. So my combined energy bill was $3479 for
2006, compared to Mr Gore's (normalize) bill of $23,375.

Granted, Mr. Gore's house is much bigger and I don't have a "pool
house", HOWEVER, in one of Gore's interviews, he said people should
"think about the environmental implications of their actions".

Does Mr. Gore need a "pool house"? Did he think about the
"environmental implications" of having a pool house? I am not bashing
Mr. Gore for his energy consumption. If I had his money, I would also
have a pool house (I guess I would also have to buy a pool). I just
think it is hypicritical of him to tell others that they should think
of the environmental implications when he is not doing that himself.

Now: about that "green power". Giving Gore a pass because he is using
green power is a bunch of bull. First, not all 221,000 Kwh of energy
was green. NONE of the $12,960 spent on GAS was green. But let's
presume that all of it was to explain why the 'green power' block are
bull. If Gore reduced his electricity consumption down to an
excessive 100,000kwh, then that would be 121,000kwh of green energy
that would be available to some carbon consumer.

In another interview Gore said "we shouldn't be taking 4,000 pound of
steel where ever we go", implying the 2 ton automobile. He said "we
should be investing in light rail and mass transit like your Tube here
in England." So, Gore is telling OTHERS that they should use mass
transit, but he doesn't use mass transit air travel; instead he takes
private jets.

Once again, If I had his money, I would also fly in a private jet.
HOWEVER, he should not be telling others to one thing and then doing
something else himself.
2007-03-01 20:49:18 UTC
Attack the messenger! Attack the messenger. When you can't refute the
facts, just attack the messenger!
Post by Catfish
Post by Billary/2008
There are two Americas. Those who must consume less. And Algore, who's
being excused by the leftist elite for consuming more.
Tennesee Center for Policy Research is run by a 27 year old Bush Cheerleader
who loves Bush's Wars, Jason Drew Johnson,
The Center lists a post office box number as its address which makes sense
since occupancy costs were $450 for the year.
The IRS requires 501(c)(3)s to disclose the names of board members and
officers which the Center fails to do. The 990 is signed by Jason A. Johnson
who presumably is related to Drew Johnson, listed as the Center's president
on the website.
Total salary expense for 2005 is $52,213. Despite a tight budget, the
Center's managed to spend $8,155 on meals and travel. Marketing expense is
$5,934 but no money was spent on research.
The Tennessee Center For Policy Research is not an obscure conservative
group. It is a FAKE conservative group specifically set up to send out
inflammatory press releases like the one about Al Gore's electricity bills.
Why the Tennessee Center For Policy Research is entitled to tax-exempt
status is beyond me."
More on the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.
The Tennessee Center for Policy Researchs 2005 990 was prepared by the
Kingsland Company, P.C. of Tigard, Oregon. (The Center's 2005 990 is
available online at the Foundation Center's 990 Finder.)
Why would an organization based in Tennessee use an Oregon firm to prepare
its 990? A clue is found in the bio of the Center's vice president, Nicole
Williams. Williams was (is) an employee of the Cascade Policy Institute, a
major right wing organization based in Oregon.
Willams also works for the State Policy Network which, in its own words, is
"the professional service organization for America's state-based, free
market think tank community. Founded in 1992, SPN is the only group in the
country dedicated solely to improving the practical effectiveness of
independent, non-profit, market-oriented, state-based think tanks."
The telephone number for the Tennessee Center for Policy Research is (615)
Drew Johnson
1606 Burton Ave
Nashville TN 37215-3018
The Tennessee Center for Policy Research was registered in Tennessee on
4/6/05 by Jason A. Johnson at 1606 Burton Ave, #A, Nashville TN 37215
Property records for 1606 Burton Ave in Nashville indicate that the property
is owned by Cynthia L. Cha who bought it on 12/8/00.
TennesseeMenus, LLC, registered on 12/10/03, listed 1606 Burton Ave as its
address. the company was dissolved on 8/19/05.
Yep, Al Gore is an Inconvenient Truth.....Teller.
2007-03-02 02:02:46 UTC
Post by Billary/2008
Attack the messenger! Attack the messenger. When you can't refute the
facts, just attack the messenger!
I more than refuted your lies.

The Tennessee Center For Policy Research is not an obscure conservative
group. It is a FAKE conservative group specifically set up to send out
inflammatory press releases like the one about Al Gore's electricity bills.
Why the Tennessee Center For Policy Research is entitled to tax-exempt
status is beyond me."

More on the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.
Joseph Welch
2007-03-01 19:47:35 UTC
"Billary/2008" <F#%***@vastrightwingconspiracy.gov> wrote in message news:KLEFh.4233$***@trnddc04...


Energy Conservation Campaign Launched By Department Of Energy

The Department of Energy announced yesterday the start of a campaign to
promote decreased energy use among Americans. The New York Times reports
"The strategy follows President Bush's comments last week urging Americans
to cut back on nonessential car trips and ordering the federal government to
conserve energy. It is a shift by the Bush administration, which had been
emphasizing increasing energy supplies."

"Individual action from every American can add up to a tremendous collective
effort and can produce significant results," said Energy Secretary Samuel W.

The campaign will use two Web sites (www.energyhog.org;
www.energysavers.com) and print and broadcast public service announcements,
booklets, and an energy hog mascot to convey the message of conservation.

George W. Bush has made the terrorists stronger, their influence wider,
their numbers larger, and their motivation to attack the U.S. and other
western interests greater. He has repeatedly abused his authority and
violated his Oath of Office by turning his back on the United States
Constitution; thereby surrendering to the terrorists by undermining American
freedoms,values, and the very foundations of our system of government.
Supporting Bush is treason.

"You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have
you left no sense of decency?"
The New Face of the Republican Party
2007-03-01 20:01:16 UTC
Its too bad Algore doesn't participate in this very important government
initiative. he's only interested in preaching that others cutback, conserve
and sacrifice. God forbid he should try to walk the walk. Although the
latest spin is that he is now purchasing green energy at a higher cost. A
decision he made AFTER he was exposed as a fraud. I give Algore credit for
being smart enough to separate liberals from their green. he's doing a
pretty good job of that!
Post by Joseph Welch
Energy Conservation Campaign Launched By Department Of Energy
The Department of Energy announced yesterday the start of a campaign to
promote decreased energy use among Americans. The New York Times reports
"The strategy follows President Bush's comments last week urging Americans
to cut back on nonessential car trips and ordering the federal government
to conserve energy. It is a shift by the Bush administration, which had
been emphasizing increasing energy supplies."
Gandalf Grey
2007-03-01 20:13:31 UTC
Post by Billary/2008
Its too bad Algore doesn't participate in this very important government
He's most of the reason it's happening, you silly little homophobe.
Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for 'Algore's Hypocrisy: Do as I say, not as I do. House, Plane, SUVs' (Questions and Answers)
Why are they doing it?
started 2007-11-12 06:21:14 UTC
politics & government