The Timely Death of Genius --Tim Russert and George Carlin
(too old to reply)
2008-06-25 16:46:11 UTC
Lunatics are beginning to blame Hillary Clinton for the death of Tim
Russert. It's a red flag when lunatics begin to blame suspicious death
on the "Clintonistas" because it means the fix is in. The death of
George Carlin, who was also a target of self-righteous lunatics,
should have raised its own flag, but we like to accept what we are

The publicized cause of George Carlin's death -heart failure is a
generic term -it describes the "cause" of every death -even if the
fragile old man was smothered to death with a pillow, it would be
called "heart failure". "Oh nurse, Dr. Death is checking Carlin's

Carlin's death is suspicious because he was under assault by the the
likes of right wing fanatics like O'reilly, who violently blasted
Carlin for suggesting that the United States is responsible for 9/11.
(in fact, Carlin merely said 'you reap what you sow') God Help Carlin
if he dared to expres his own opinion.

After Carlin died, self absorbed O'Reilly dug up an old clip from an
interview in 2001 showing him confronting Carlin about using "the F
word" because good folks that Oreilly thinks he represents are
supposed to be above this vulgarity.

Is this anti-Carlin hostility responsible for "heart failure"? -just
in time to deny him the spotlight as the recipient of the Mark Twain
award. Carlin will be the first Posthumous Award recipient of the
Prestigious Kennedy Center Honor, and the hostility of his worthless
critics speaks for itself.

Agent Smith
2008-06-25 18:11:15 UTC
Post by tobetbaa
Lunatics are beginning to blame Hillary Clinton for the death of Tim
Russert. It's a red flag when lunatics begin to blame suspicious death
on the "Clintonistas" because it means the fix is in. The death of
George Carlin, who was also a target of self-righteous lunatics,
should have raised its own flag, but we like to accept what we are
The publicized cause of George Carlin's death -heart failure is a
generic term -it describes the "cause" of every death -even if the
fragile old man was smothered to death with a pillow, it would be
called "heart failure". "Oh nurse, Dr. Death is checking Carlin's
Carlin's death is suspicious because he was under assault by the the
likes of right wing fanatics like O'reilly, who violently blasted
Carlin for suggesting that the United States is responsible for 9/11.
(in fact, Carlin merely said 'you reap what you sow') God Help Carlin
if he dared to expres his own opinion.
After Carlin died, self absorbed O'Reilly dug up an old clip from an
interview in 2001 showing him confronting Carlin about using "the F
word" because good folks that Oreilly thinks he represents are
supposed to be above this vulgarity.
If only the liberal smear machine were as adroit at the repugnicant one,
they would start a rumor that Billy the Bully beats his children, and it
would quickly take hold, because he's such a rabid prick. It would
probably turn out to be true, since he was so viciously bullied by *his*
Post by tobetbaa
Is this anti-Carlin hostility responsible for "heart failure"? -just
in time to deny him the spotlight as the recipient of the Mark Twain
award. Carlin will be the first Posthumous Award recipient of the
Prestigious Kennedy Center Honor, and the hostility of his worthless
critics speaks for itself.
I'm more inclined to think that Carlin's death will make his Mark Twain
honorific that much more outstanding. I've spent tha last few days
playing some of Carlin's comedy that I missed, and he comes across as
really angry. That can also cause heart failure. ;(
2008-06-25 18:54:43 UTC
I don't think vacuous O'Reilly could touch Carlin. However, O'Reilly
has participated in many crimes and nothing is too low for him to take
part in. He is programed to twist words and lie. He has no other

He's been in cohoots with Laura Schlessinger who is also complicit
with war criminals. The deaths are too many to count

Vincent Bugliosi has outlined a prosecution that some legal minds say
could have teeth.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

I'd like to see them all held accountable. Especially, when it is
killing and rape.
The radio/tv talkers are no less culpable.

Laura Schlessinger blogs May 14, 2007 : "I know that when I get upset
about things in my life, I think about my son and what he is facing
that he can’t walk away from, then I have a cup of coffee and go for a
relaxing sail."
Now she appears to be addicted to sailing. Soldiers are dying and in
more danger, she has done nothing to help. She sails and wants
Americans to buy her books and send $100 to "From the Frontlines",
somewhere in Northern California. They're fighting "liberals" and


Laura Schlessinger b♥ys Communist, Melanie Morgan anti-"commie". Both
to be at the "historic" set up "From the Frontlines" in Northern
California ? ?

Some of these charities are crimes. More of them need to be
investigated. They skim off the top, you're lucky if 30-40% gets to
At least, Jerry Lewis is on TV where you can see him. "Web-a-thon"
sounds like a rip offs. They aren't visible? Just phone calls?
Big names don't mean credibility, Nancy Reagan could be fleeced.

We've seen Laura Schlessinger and her friend from the DoD do charity
gigs. Few show up and it's all hype. The DoD loses trillions and they
want fools to give them more under a charity ruse. Go figure.
Post by tobetbaa
Lunatics are beginning to blame Hillary Clinton for the death of Tim
Russert. It's a red flag when lunatics begin to blame suspicious death
on the "Clintonistas" because it means the fix is in. The death of
George Carlin, who was also a target of self-righteous lunatics,
should have raised its own flag, but we like to accept what we are
The publicized cause of George Carlin's death -heart failure is a
generic term -it describes the "cause" of every death -even if the
fragile old man was smothered to death with a pillow, it would be
called "heart failure". "Oh nurse, Dr. Death is checking Carlin's
Carlin's death is suspicious because he was under assault by the the
likes of right wing fanatics like O'reilly, who violently blasted
Carlin for suggesting that the United States is responsible for 9/11.
(in fact, Carlin merely said 'you reap what you sow') God Help Carlin
if he dared to expres his own opinion.
After Carlin died, self absorbed O'Reilly dug up an old clip from an
interview in 2001 showing him confronting Carlin about using "the F
word" because good folks that Oreilly thinks he represents are
supposed to be above this vulgarity.
Is this anti-Carlin hostility responsible for "heart failure"? -just
in time to deny him the spotlight as the recipient of the Mark Twain
award. Carlin will be the first Posthumous Award recipient of the
Prestigious Kennedy Center Honor, and the hostility of his worthless
critics speaks for itself.
2008-06-25 19:09:15 UTC
101 Greatest George Carlin Quotes
Post by lc
I don't think vacuous O'Reilly could touch Carlin. However, O'Reilly
has participated in many crimes and nothing is too low for him to take
part in. He is programed to twist words and lie. He has no other
He's been in cohoots with Laura Schlessinger who is also complicit
with war criminals. The deaths are too many to counthttp://lolita-lolita17.blogspot.com/search?q=O%27REILLYhttp://zzwt.blogspot.com/search?q=O%27REILLY
Vincent Bugliosi has outlined a prosecution that some legal minds say
could have teeth.http://www.prosecutionofbush.com/
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
I'd like to see them all held accountable. Especially, when it is
killing and rape.
The radio/tv talkers are no less culpable.
Laura Schlessinger blogs May 14, 2007 : "I know that when I get upset
about things in my life, I think about my son and what he is facing
that he can’t walk away from, then I have a cup of coffee and go for a
relaxing sail."
Now she appears to be addicted to sailing. Soldiers are dying and in
more danger, she has done nothing to help. She sails and wants
Americans to buy her books and send $100 to "From the Frontlines",
somewhere in Northern California. They're fighting "liberals" and
Laura Schlessinger b♥ys Communist, Melanie Morgan anti-"commie". Both
to be at the "historic" set up "From the Frontlines" in Northern
California ? ?http://groups.google.com/group/alt.royalty/msg/49482b181cda6bec
Some of these charities are crimes. More of them need to be
investigated. They skim off the top, you're lucky if 30-40% gets to
At least, Jerry Lewis is on TV where you can see him. "Web-a-thon"
sounds like a rip offs. They aren't visible? Just phone calls?
Big names don't mean credibility, Nancy Reagan could be fleeced.
We've seen Laura Schlessinger and her friend from the DoD do charity
gigs. Few show up and it's all hype. The DoD loses trillions and they
want fools to give them more under a charity ruse. Go figure.
Post by tobetbaa
Lunatics are beginning to blame Hillary Clinton for the death of Tim
Russert. It's a red flag when lunatics begin to blame suspicious death
on the "Clintonistas" because it means the fix is in. The death of
George Carlin, who was also a target of self-righteous lunatics,
should have raised its own flag, but we like to accept what we are
The publicized cause of George Carlin's death -heart failure is a
generic term -it describes the "cause" of every death -even if the
fragile old man was smothered to death with a pillow, it would be
called "heart failure". "Oh nurse, Dr. Death is checking Carlin's
Carlin's death is suspicious because he was under assault by the the
likes of right wing fanatics like O'reilly, who violently blasted
Carlin for suggesting that the United States is responsible for 9/11.
(in fact, Carlin merely said 'you reap what you sow') God Help Carlin
if he dared to expres his own opinion.
After Carlin died, self absorbed O'Reilly dug up an old clip from an
interview in 2001 showing him confronting Carlin about using "the F
word" because good folks that Oreilly thinks he represents are
supposed to be above this vulgarity.
Is this anti-Carlin hostility responsible for "heart failure"? -just
in time to deny him the spotlight as the recipient of the Mark Twain
award. Carlin will be the first Posthumous Award recipient of the
Prestigious Kennedy Center Honor, and the hostility of his worthless
critics speaks for itself.
Christopher Helms
2008-06-25 20:05:34 UTC
Post by tobetbaa
Lunatics are beginning to blame Hillary Clinton for the death of Tim
Russert. It's a red flag when lunatics begin to blame suspicious death
on the "Clintonistas" because it means the fix is in. The death of
George Carlin, who was also a target of self-righteous lunatics,
should have raised its own flag, but we like to accept what we are
The publicized cause of George Carlin's death -heart failure is a
generic term -it describes the "cause" of every death -even if the
fragile old man was smothered to death with a pillow, it would be
called "heart failure". "Oh nurse, Dr. Death is checking Carlin's
Carlin's death is suspicious because he was under assault by the the
likes of right wing fanatics like O'reilly, who violently blasted
Carlin for suggesting that the United States is responsible for 9/11.
(in fact, Carlin merely said 'you reap what you sow') God Help Carlin
if he dared to expres his own opinion.
Neither death is really suspicious. Suspicious deaths are suspicious,
like all those people in the 70's who almost instantly fell over dead
just before or just after being called to testify before the committee
that was re-investigating President Kennedy's death. There were a
bunch of them. But old guys with heart trouble dying of heart disease
are not suspicious.
